Daniel C. Dillon — written Jun 25, 2016 — source
A while back, I saw a post on StackOverflow where the user was trying to use
on an RcppParallel::RVector
. Obviously, this does not
work (as Rcpp Sugar pertains to Rcpp types, but not RcppParallel which cannot
rely on SEXP
-based representation to allow multi-threaded execution). It
raised the question “Why doesn’t something more generic exist to
provide functions with R semantics that can be used on arbitrary data
structures?” As a result, I set out to create a set of such functions
in Rcpp::algorithm
which follow the pattern of std::algorithm
Currently Rcpp::algorithm
contains only a few simple
functions. If these are found to be useful, more will be added. Examples
of using the currently implemented iterator-based functions are below.
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double sum_of_matrix_row(NumericMatrix m, int row) {
NumericMatrix::Row r = m.row(row);
return algorithm::sum(r.begin(), r.end());
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double mean_of_matrix_row(NumericMatrix m, int row) {
NumericMatrix::Row r = m.row(row);
return algorithm::mean(r.begin(), r.end());
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector log_of_matrix_row(NumericMatrix m, int row) {
NumericMatrix::Row r = m.row(row);
NumericVector retval(m.cols());
algorithm::log(r.begin(), r.end(), retval.begin());
return retval;
Through the coding of these simple “algorithms”, a few needs arose.
First, the ability to deduce the appropriate C
numeric type given an Rcpp
iterator was necessary. This gave birth to the
type traits. Given a type, these allow you
to determine whether it can be cast to a C
numeric type and which type that
would be.
Second, the need arose for more information about R
types. This gave birth
to the Rcpp::algorithm::helpers::rtype
traits. These are defined as
template< typename T >
struct rtype_helper {};
struct rtype_helper< double > {
typedef double type;
static inline double NA() { return NA_REAL; }
static inline RCPP_CONSTEXPR double ZERO() { return 0.0; }
static inline RCPP_CONSTEXPR double ONE() { return 1.0; }
struct rtype_helper< int > {
typedef int type;
static inline int NA() { return NA_INTEGER; }
static inline RCPP_CONSTEXPR int ZERO() { return 0; }
static inline RCPP_CONSTEXPR int ONE() { return 1; }
template< typename T >
struct rtype {
typedef typename rtype_helper< typename ctype< T >::type >::type type;
typedef rtype_helper< typename ctype< T >::type > helper_type;
static RCPP_CONSTEXPR int RTYPE = helper_type::RTYPE;
static inline T NA() { return helper_type::NA(); }
static inline RCPP_CONSTEXPR T ZERO() { return helper_type::ZERO(); }
static inline RCPP_CONSTEXPR T ONE() { return helper_type::ONE(); }
These additional benefits may actually prove more useful than the algorithms themselves. Only time will tell.
There are now some simple iterator-based algorithms that can be used with any
structure that supports iterators. They apply the same semantics as the
analogous Rcpp::sugar
functions, but give us more flexibility in their
usage. If you find these to be useful, feel free to request more.
tags: sugar