Fabian Scheipl — written Mar 21, 2014 — source
Currie, Durban and Eilers write:
Data with an array structure are common in statistics, and the design or regression matrix for analysis of such data can often be written as a Kronecker product. Factorial designs, contingency tables and smoothing of data on multidimensional grids are three such general classes of data and models. In such a setting, we develop an arithmetic of arrays which allows us to define the expectation of the data array as a sequence of nested matrix operations on a coefficient array. We show how this arithmetic leads to low storage, high speed computation in the scoring algorithm of the generalized linear model.
For example, they show that if a design matrix X
has the Kronecker
structure X = kronecker(Xd, ..., X2, X1)
with X<i>
a partial model matrix
with n<i>
rows and c<i>
columns, linear functions X%*%theta
of X
a coefficient vector theta
can be efficiently computed based only on the
partial model matrices where the entries in the vector X%*%theta
entries) are the same as the entries in the array with
dimension c(n1, n2, ..., nd)
returned by RH(Xd, ... , RH(X2, RH(X1,
is an array with dimensions c(c1, c2, ..., cd)
containing theta
and RH(X, A)
– the “rotated H-transform” – is an operation generalizing
transposed pre-multiplication t(X %*% A)
of a matrix A
by a matrix X
the case of higher dimensional array-valued A
The code below implements a simple array class for numeric arrays and the
rotated H-transform in RcppArmadillo
and compares the performance to both
the naive straight forward matrix multiplication based on the full model
matrix and an R
-implementation of RH()
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
using namespace Rcpp ;
Offset and Array classes based on code by Romain Francois copied from
http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.r.rcpp/5932 on 2014-01-07.
class Offset{
IntegerVector dim ;
Offset( IntegerVector dim ) : dim(dim) {}
int operator()( IntegerVector ind ){
int ret = ind[0] ;
int offset = 1 ;
for(int d=1; d < dim.size(); d++) {
offset = offset * dim[d-1] ;
ret = ret + ind[d] * offset ;
return ret ;
} ;
IntegerVector getDims() const {
return(dim) ;
} ;
class Array : public NumericVector {
// NumericVector value;
Offset dims ;
Array( SEXP x) : NumericVector(x),
dims( (IntegerVector)((RObject)x).attr("dim") ) {}
Array( NumericVector x, Offset d ): NumericVector(x),
dims(d) {}
Array( Dimension d ): NumericVector( d ), dims( d ) {}
IntegerVector getDims() const {
NumericVector getValue() const {
inline double& operator()( IntegerVector ind) {
int vecind = dims(ind);
NumericVector value = this->getValue();
return value(vecind);
} ;
// change dims without changing order of elements (!= aperm)
void resize(IntegerVector newdim) {
int n = std::accumulate((this->getDims()).begin(), (this->getDims()).end(), 1,
int nnew = std::accumulate(newdim.begin(), newdim.end(), 1,
if(n != nnew) stop("old and new old dimensions don't match.");
this->dims = Offset(newdim);
} ;
} ;
namespace Rcpp {
// wrap(): converter from Array to an R array
template <> SEXP wrap(const Array& A) {
IntegerVector dims = A.getDims();
//Dimension dims = A.getDims();
Vector<REALSXP> x = A;
x.attr( "dim" ) = wrap(dims);
return x;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Array rotate(Array A){
Re-dimension an array from dim to c(dim[-1], dim[1]).
Example: for a 2*3*4 array, indices 1:24 are shuffled into
1 3 5 ... 21 23 2 4 6 ... 20 22 24
i.e., a sequence of length prod(dims[-1])=12 from 1 to prod(dims)=24
("baseseq") repeated twice ("space" = dims[1]) and shifted by 1 each time.
IntegerVector dims = A.getDims() ;
int ndims = dims.size() ;
int space = dims[0] ;
int length = std::accumulate(dims.begin(),dims.end(), 1,
std::multiplies<int>()) / space ;
IntegerVector baseseq = (seq_len(length) - 1) * space ;
NumericVector old = A.getValue() ;
NumericVector ret(space*length) ;
for(int r=0; r < space; r++) {
for(int j=0; j < length; j++){
ret[ r * length + j ] = old[ baseseq[j] + r ] ;
} ;
} ;
IntegerVector newdim(ndims) ;
for(int d=0; d < ndims; d++){
newdim(d) = dims[d+1] ;
} ;
newdim[ndims-1] = dims[0] ;
Array rA = Array(ret, Offset(newdim)) ;
return rA;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Array RH(const arma::mat& X, Array A){
Rotated H-transform of Array A by matrix X.
H-transform generalizes premultiplication of A by X to array-valued A.
For A with dimensions (c1, c2, ..., cd) and X with dim=(n, c1),
H(X, A) is array(X*Aflat, dim=c(n, c2, ..., cd)), where Aflat is
array(A, c(c1, c2*c3*..*cd).
IntegerVector olddims = A.getDims() ;
int n = A.getDims()[0] ;
int d = std::accumulate(A.getDims().begin(), A.getDims().end(), 1,
std::multiplies<int>()) / n ;
arma::mat Amod((A.getValue()).begin(), n, d, false) ;
arma::vec tmp = vectorise(X * Amod);
IntegerVector newdims = clone(A.getDims());
newdims[0] = X.n_rows;
Array ret = rotate(Array(as<NumericVector>(wrap(tmp)), Offset(newdims)));
return ret ;
Set up test case:
Let’s look at a 3-dimensional example where X = X3 %x% X2 %x% X1
each X<i>
is a B-spline basis over seq(0, 1, len=n<i>)
n1 <- 30; n2 <- 40; n3 <- 50
c1 <- 5; c2 <- 10; c3 <- 15
n <- n1*n2*n3
c <- c1*c2*c3
X1 <- bs(seq(0, 1, len=n1), df=c1)
X2 <- bs(seq(0, 1, len=n2), df=c2)
X3 <- bs(seq(0, 1, len=n3), df=c3)
X <- X3 %x% X2 %x% X1
theta_vec <- runif(c)
Theta <- array(theta_vec, dim=c(c1, c2, c3))
RH_r <- function(X, A){
## H-transform:
A_flat <- array(A, dim=c(dim(A)[1], prod(dim(A)[-1])))
ret <- array(X %*% A_flat, dim=c(nrow(X), dim(A)[-1]))
## Rotate:
aperm(ret, c(2:length(dim(A)), 1))
Note that X
is fairly large, with 6 × 104 rows and 750 columns.
Check correctness:
array(X%*%theta_vec, dim=c(n1, n2, n3)),
# RH(X3, RH(X2, RH(X1, Theta))):
list(X3, X2, X1),
[1] TRUE
array(X%*%theta_vec, dim=c(n1, n2, n3)),
# RH(X3, RH(X2, RH(X1, Theta))):
list(X3, X2, X1),
[1] TRUE
Check performance:
array(X%*%theta_vec, dim=c(n1, n2, n3)),
list(X3, X2, X1),
list(X3, X2, X1),
replications = 100)[,c(1,3:4)]
test elapsed relative 1 array(X %*% theta_vec, dim = c(n1, n2, n3)) 27.252 198.920 3 Reduce(RH, list(X3, X2, X1), Theta, TRUE) 0.137 1.000 2 Reduce(RH_r, list(X3, X2, X1), Theta, TRUE) 0.325 2.372
Note: An alternative version with proper formula notation can be found here.