Random number generation

Dirk Eddelbuettel — written Dec 24, 2012 — source

R comes with several random number generators supporting the ability to draw random samples from a wide variety of statistical distributions.

Rcpp builds on this, and provides access to the same random number generators, and distributions. Moreover, thanks to Rcpp sugar, these can be accessed in a vectorised manner, as we illustrated in the post simulating pi.

#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix rngCpp(const int N) {
  NumericMatrix X(N, 4);
  X(_, 0) = runif(N);
  X(_, 1) = rnorm(N);
  X(_, 2) = rt(N, 5);
  X(_, 3) = rbeta(N, 1, 1);
  return X;
 set.seed(42)     # setting seed
 M1 <- rngCpp(5)
       [,1]     [,2]    [,3]    [,4]
[1,] 0.9148  0.04788  2.9967 0.79234
[2,] 0.9371 -1.10460  0.8067 0.38822
[3,] 0.2861  0.53902 -1.7226 0.56423
[4,] 0.8304  0.58021  0.8337 0.02646
[5,] 0.6417 -0.65750  0.4019 0.04242
 set.seed(42)	  # resetting seed
 M2 <- cbind( runif(5), rnorm(5), rt(5, 5), rbeta(5, 1, 1))
       [,1]     [,2]    [,3]    [,4]
[1,] 0.9148  0.04788  2.9967 0.79234
[2,] 0.9371 -1.10460  0.8067 0.38822
[3,] 0.2861  0.53902 -1.7226 0.56423
[4,] 0.8304  0.58021  0.8337 0.02646
[5,] 0.6417 -0.65750  0.4019 0.04242
 all.equal(M1, M2)
[1] TRUE

The other method of using the R random-number generator is in scalar mode, one variable and draw at a time. This is very similar to the description of this API in the Writing R Extensions manual, and provided by Rcpp in the R namespace:

#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector rngCppScalar() {
  NumericVector x(4);
  x[0] = R::runif(0,1);
  x[1] = R::rnorm(0,1);
  x[2] = R::rt(5);
  x[3] = R::rbeta(1,1);
 v1 <- rngCppScalar()
[1] 0.9148 1.5307 1.0510 0.8653
 v2 <-c(runif(1), rnorm(1,0,1), rt(1,5), rbeta(1,1,1))
[1] 0.9148 1.5307 1.0510 0.8653
 all.equal(v1, v2)
[1] TRUE

RNG state

Section 6.3 of Writing R Extensions describes an additional requirement for calling the R random number generation functions: you must call GetRNGState prior to using them and then PutRNGState afterwards. These functions (respectively) read .Random.seed and then write it out after use.

When using Rcpp attributes (as we do via the // [[Rcpp::export]] annotation on the functions above) it is not necessary to call GetRNGState and PutRNGState because this is done automatically within the wrapper code generated for exported functions. In fact, since these calls don’t nest it is actually an error to call them when within a function exported via Rcpp attributes.

In the case where you are writing an Rcpp function that doesn’t use Rcpp attributes (e.g. a function using a raw SEXP interface that is exported via extern C) Rcpp exposes a convenience class you can use to get and put the RNG state. For example:

extern "C" SEXP rngScopeCppScalar() {
  NumericVector x(4);
  RNGScope rngScope;
  x[0] = R::runif(0,1);
  x[1] = R::rnorm(0,1);
  x[2] = R::rt(5);
  x[3] = R::rbeta(1,1);
  return wrap(x);

The RNGScope object calls GetRNGState in it’s constructor and PutRNGState in it’s destructor. It also implements an internal counter so that multiple instances of RNGScope can co-exist on the stack and ensure that the get and put functions are only called once.

One very important detail about the example above is that the RNGScope object is declared after the object that will ultimately be returned to R. This ordering is critically important, as the call to PutRNGScope can in some instances trigger a garbarge collection which collects the SEXP to be returned to R (causing a crash). Here’s another example to further illustrate:

extern "C" SEXP rngScopeResultDemo() {
  RObject result;
  RNGScope rngScope;
  result = NumericVector::create(42, 21);
  return wrap(result);

As discussed above, you generally don’t need to worry about explicit use of RNGScope, however if you do it’s very important to declare any Rcpp object to be returned to R prior to declaring RNGScope.

tags: rmath  rng  sugar 

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