mlpack is, to quote, a scalable machine learning library, written in C++,
that aims to provide fast, extensible implementations of cutting-edge machine learning
algorithms. It has been written by Ryan Curtin and others, and is
described in two papers in BigLearning (2011) and
JMLR (2013). mlpack uses
Armadillo as the underlying linear algebra library, which, thanks to
RcppArmadillo, is already a rather
well-known library in the R ecosystem.
Qiang Kou has created the
RcppMLPACK package on CRAN for easy-to-use
integration of mlpack with R. It integrates the
mlpack sources, and is, as a CRAN package, widely available on all
However, this RcppMLPACK package is also based on a
by-now dated version of mlpack. Quoting again: mlpack provides these
algorithms as simple command-line programs and C++ classes which can then be integrated into
larger-scale machine learning solutions. Version 2 of the mlpack sources
switched to a slightly more encompassing build also requiring the Boost
libraries ‘program_options’, ‘unit_test_framework’ and ‘serialization’. Within the context of an R
package, we could condition out the first two as R provides both the direct interface (hence no need
to parse command-line options) and also the testing framework. However, it would be both difficult
and potentially undesirable to condition out the serialization which allows
mlpack to store and resume machine learning tasks.
This package works fine on Linux provided mlpack,
Armadillo and Boost are installed.
OS X / macOS
For maxOS / OS X, James Balamuta has tried to set up a homebrew
recipe but there are some tricky interaction with the compiler suites used by both brew and R on
For Windows, one could do what Jeroen Ooms has done and build
(external) libraries. Volunteers are encouraged to get in touch via the issue tickets at GitHub.
Installation from source
Release are available from a drat repository hosted
in the GitHub orgranization RcppMLPACK. So
will use this. If you prefer to rather pick a random commit state,
will work as well.
Example: Logistic Regression
To illustrate mlpack we show a first simple example also included in the
package. As the rest of the Rcpp Gallery, these are “live” code examples.
We can then call this function with the same (trivial) data set as used in the first unit test for
[1] 67.9550 -13.6328 -13.6328
Example: Naive Bayes Classifier
A second examples shows the NaiveBayesClassifier class.
We can use the sample data included in recent-enough version of the RcppMLPACK package: